Friday, June 3, 2011

Term Two

Hi all! It has been a while since we last updated the blog or moderated any of your comments. It is great to see all your positive comments especially from room 16! Keep them coming and feel free to share any of your ideas or questions about life at Kenakena.
The Kapiti Island trip was a success for everyone and we hope you all enjoyed yourselves. Take Action for Water has been interesting and I have seen some good reports in the making. Our Explore day should be fun and interesting and lets hope we have good weather for it.
Our teacher only day was interesting and we looked closely at our maths program. We discussed the idea of having Maths at 9:30am instead of after morning tea, we wanted to get your opinion of this and any ideas or suggestions of how we can improve mathematics for you. Please vote on the latest poll and leave any comments.
Well that's all for now and enjoy your long weekend